The threads below this video show exactly what happened 10 years ago.
In short, Justin Heslinga at pee-spider is a liar and deliberate copyright infringer.
From 2008 to 2010 he repeatedly banned me for reporting copyright infringement.
In 2010 I had his paypal and google ads shut down for repeat copyright infringement. After he had banned me for previously reporting copyright infringement.
In 2008 I had started this web site
In 2010 he agreed to unban me and set my account username back to SignTorch Vector Art in exchange for me retracting the copyright complaints to restore his paypal and google ad services.
In 2014 he demanded that I pay him advertising fees for using the name SignTorch Vector Art. When I refused he banned me and made a public announcement that he banned me because I had started that year (2014) and had begun using it to steal traffic from him.
Among a lot of other made up BS in his public announcement, he accused me of being misleading.
In 2016 I got knocked out of action. Now that I am back, I see that Justin Heslinga and pee-spider et al have resumed deliberate copyright infringement.
This time around, there will be no 2nd chances.
In short, Justin Heslinga at pee-spider is a liar and deliberate copyright infringer.
From 2008 to 2010 he repeatedly banned me for reporting copyright infringement.
In 2010 I had his paypal and google ads shut down for repeat copyright infringement. After he had banned me for previously reporting copyright infringement.
In 2008 I had started this web site
In 2010 he agreed to unban me and set my account username back to SignTorch Vector Art in exchange for me retracting the copyright complaints to restore his paypal and google ad services.
In 2014 he demanded that I pay him advertising fees for using the name SignTorch Vector Art. When I refused he banned me and made a public announcement that he banned me because I had started that year (2014) and had begun using it to steal traffic from him.
Among a lot of other made up BS in his public announcement, he accused me of being misleading.
In 2016 I got knocked out of action. Now that I am back, I see that Justin Heslinga and pee-spider et al have resumed deliberate copyright infringement.
This time around, there will be no 2nd chances.