Ready To Cut CNC Art

Plasmaspider Bans SignTorch 2014


The threads below this video explain what happened in 2014 - this video picks up where I left off


Plasmaspider posts this headliner on his web site, (and he sent out email notifications to let people know)

Admin at pee-spider said:
PlasmaSpider Bans Signtorch
by admin, Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:35 pm

I wanted to take a moment to address a recent issue that is stirring things up here.

Many of you may have read the post on Signtorch making mention of the recent ban of his PlasmaSpider account. If so you would likely have read a sentence he selected from a message I sent him, in addition to his short, vague, and misleading side of the story derived from a much larger problem. From that it would appear the problem has to do with money and his lack of payment for advertising and that is not entirely the case.

I don't feel my professional relationship with Signtorch is anyone's business however Signtorch has taken it upon himself to make it everyone's business by quickly posting his 1 sided explanation for all to see. Many have been quick to judge without a question asked so I feel compelled to clarify a few things that were conveniently left out.

We have a long history of problems working together as many may know, but have been on decent terms for a few years. This has provided him with an opportunity to promote his business on PlasmaSpider, and our members have benefitted from his assistance in many areas. SignTorch paid a small annual fee to freely post his logo and solicit business on the site and for the most part things were good with only a few little issues I could ignore in order to keep the peace.

A new year has come and times have changed. Signtorch has his own file sharing forum set up this year and has now refused to pay his advertising bill. It was a very small amount, he does help our members almost daily, it certainly wasn't worth fighting over so I let it go.

Not long after that he stopped posting links to the Signtorch website in favor of directing traffic to his new forum based website. I contacted him through our private message system and asked him to refrain from posting links to the competing forum and continue to direct traffic to Signtorch which is what the advertising was for in the first place. I received no response to that message after days of waiting so I attempted to contact him by phone more than once to straighten this out. No answer, and no answering machine, he did not want to speak.

This is when I sent my second message to him indicating that he was no longer welcome to advertise for free and he would have to remove his company avatar, signature, web link, and profile name. This is the only information he shared with anyone which is convenient in terms of supporting his claim.

Still no reply and he had yet to change any of his profile information despite being logged on for hours that day removing his shared files. At this point he was still not banned. I was waiting to sort this problem out so I called him again and this time he answered. Our conversation lead up to him having a meltdown, screaming at me. This ended abruptly when he called me a b.tch, told me to f..k off, and hung up on me. This is the point where he was banned.

So there it is, the full story. I would not normally post something like this, however I feel the need to defend myself against his convoluted claim. For those of you who are upset that he is no longer here I am sorry, it is not the way I would have liked it to turn out either. After years of bullying and intimidation attempts he has reached the end of the road with me.

Keep in mind that this is 1 member out of thousands that make our site the great community that it is, and this 1 member can still be found when you need him, you just won't find him here.

Have a great weekend everyone


Here is what I had posted

SignTorch said:
I guess SignTorch will no longer be on plasmaspider who sent me a PM saying

...this the end of the road. You are no longer welcome to advertise your company name, company logo, website url, or anything else on free of charge. By the end of the day tomorrow I expect you will have made the appropriate changes to your username, profile, etc. to accomodate these changes.
then after being treated like a lying idiot for a half hour on the phone then being told essentially that I'm just kicking back here in Texas sucking traffic away from him, and taking food out of his kid's mouth, I did tell him to go F himself and hung up.

my largest body of work other than my retail graphics is all the things I donated and posted at plasmaspider or for plasmaspider members

and now when I try to login I get this

You have been permanently banned from this board.

Please contact the Board Administrator for more information.

A ban has been issued on your username.

My post is not vague, misleading, or convoluted, by any measure, it is clear, concise, and simple. And it has nothing to do with money.

His response is extraordinarily vague, misleading and convoluted. He's projecting. And his lies have everything to do with money.

Mine did not conveniently leave anything out as he claims. He "conveniently left out" that he gave me 24 hours to change my username, which was impossible, among other things, all completely out of the blue,


The rest of this thread outlines (some of) what happened leading up to him banning me, and it shows why he really banned me.

Everything was fine until he discovered You can just jump to that section and see.

I obtained my pee-spider username, and set my avatar and profile web link in December 2010.


5 weeks before I purchased a pee-spider "signature ad" subscription.

My username, avatar and profile web link had nothing to do with paid advertising.

Admin at pee-spider personally authorized my account because he had to take multiple steps to undo multiple layers of blocks and bans he had placed on me and my ip address(es) to try to keep me from being able to access pee-spider.



I had made a major concession and agreed to unwind and not proceed with strong legal actions I was in the process of taking against him in that same month and we agreed to cooperate.



Now he's up to his old tricks, banning me, to paint me as a villain while pretending he does nothing wrong.
5 weeks later I purchased a yearly "signature ad" subscription. There was no discussion or documentation that it pertained to anything other than having a "signature ad" below my post. I had a banner that linked to my web site, but there were no rules or discussions as to what was or was not allowed or expected in the signature ad space. It had nothing to do with the content of posts to allow or not allow links to any or any certain web sites, whether my own or 3rd party web sites.

It had nothing to do with my username, avatar, or profile link. Those were set 5 weeks earlier.


In 2012 the "signature ad" cost $368

In 2013 he called it "service"
Everything was fine and stayed that way, for 4 years, until 2014 when it was time to renew the "signature ad" and we had no arguments or conflicts that I recall for 4 years.

In his response to banning me in 2014 he said this:

admin at pee-spider said:
After years of bullying and intimidation attempts he has reached the end of the road with me.

In December 2010 I had sent DMCA takedown notices to Paypal, and Google and they cancelled his services because just in the month of December pee-spider was shown to have repeated copyright infringing activity, which is a violation of their policy, and in order to avoid liability they must have, follow and enforce effective policy to combat copyright infringement. pee-spider has no such policy or understanding of such.


Otherwise I had only sent DMCA takedown notices to his host on these dates
9/28/09, 9/30, 10/13, 10/30, 11/5, 11/7, 11/11, 12/10, 12/23, 1/3/10, 1/4, 1/10, 1/14, 2/19, 2/28, 7/3, 7/20, 8/5, 8/10, 8/12, 8/17, 10/3, 10/14, 10/23, 11/16
Those were harmless and caused no disruption to pee-spider. It worked the same as if I sent it to admin at pee-spider.

I did that for legal reasons because his host was in America and pee-spider is in Canada.

They forwarded the complaints to him, for him to remove the reported content.

00 8-16-10 notifying host.jpg

So those were harmless and not disruptive at all - but he'd ban me anyway - I only actually disrupted his operation once in December 2010 after he banned me and kept my money for the umpteenth time - which I retracted after a few days - you'd think he'd know better than to ban me again and go through all that again.

For the next 4 years we hardly spoke. I don't know that we even spoke at all. And I did not file any other takedown notices to him or to any 3rd party.

Hardly what a reasonable person would call "years of bullying and intimidation".

The only action that Justin (admin at pee-spider) took was to expect me to report infringing activity to him, otherwise he would ban me, make misleading public announcements to turn people against me, he'd block my ip address(es), to prevent me from being able to combat infringing activity. Reporting to him was not effective at all because he didn't do anything about it, or do anything to control it, or anything to help, like banning offenders instead of me.

And so, due to the culture at pee-spider, everything was not fine per se, he created and there was a lot of constant strife, conflict and negative publicity going on, to this day, so it was not an ideal "advertising" environment, and that is particularly why I did not want to renew my "signature ad" subscription.

And so, thanks to how admin at pee-spider operates (blame the victim), conflict and abuse runs concurrently and goes hand in hand with constant ongoing copyright infringing activity at pee-spider. Wait and see... - keep reading...
The problem is Justin (admin at pee-spider) is not a "good actor" or a reasonable person.

admin at pee-spider said:
I don't feel my professional relationship with Signtorch is anyone's business

He was always turning what was private legal correspondence into public announcements to turn people against me and he banned me multiple times, during that time, not counting when he banned me right before I went to paypal and google, and he would ban my ip addresses and do everything he could to prevent me from being able to see or combat the always ongoing infringing activity.

00 3-20-14 public notice.jpg

00 4-30-10 headline.jpg

00 4-30-10 message.jpg

00 11-24-10 headline.jpg

00 11-24-10 2.jpg

Not only that, he admits to removing content favorable to me, when I noticed and asked him about it.

And that's when it came to a head, because I had sent another notice to his service provider, which caused him absolutely no problems at all, and in the same response message he bans me once again.

That's when I decided to go through paypal and google. The only accomplishment or purpose of banning me and making public announcements was to make things worse and turn people against me.


Instead of combatting infringing activity, he worked against me AND he expected me to report to him, so he could sweep it under the rug, so things never improved.

I don't know that he ever banned an infringer. He banned me and turned people against me. That's how he handled it. That's why I eventually went to paypal and google.

That is by definition, failing and refusing to properly or effectively address the issue. He was tying a noose around his own neck.


As he was participating, but I will not tip him off by clarifying at this time.


A reasonable copyright owner cannot really work with an unreasonable copyright infringer under such circumstances, much less according to his demands, within the framework of his own international, commercial, contributory, copyright infringing enterprise.

He always says the dumbest most annoying things like what he says here about not being able to use his paypal account with his other businesses, and above where he says there's no benefit in having me as a member. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. See if I let him off the hook so easily this time around.


After he put up a pay wall, he would just keep my money when he banned me, before I got what I paid for. There were no rules or policy that I had to report to him or do anything in particular, like follow his instructions, and essentially work for him, so that he could continue and monetize constant copyright infringing activity.

He is a childish dictator. He doesn't care or think about what's fair. His opinion is all that matters and he applies it retroactively.
From December 2010 to March 2014 I contributed massively to pee-spider, and I combatted constant infringing activity.

I linked to my sites, other sites, and all sorts of normal activity like everybody else.

It was always in the course of contributing and interacting on pee-spider.

Consistently, nothing to get upset about, nothing nefarious, definitely wasn't taking or directing traffic away from pee-spider.

Behind the scenes it was a different story. Admin at pee-spider constantly deleted positive posts about me.


You won't find any of the following posts on pee-spider because they got mysteriously deleted, and I could list many many more examples like these.




admin at pee-spider manipulated everything and everyone. Here is one example. One day I'm alright, but when admin misrepresents why I was banned, then I'm not. I could post many many more examples like this. I didn't do anything to plasmajoe. He's just another two-faced pee-spider celebrity, just like admin.



people would just take my content from my web site and put it on pee-spider

It would be ok, but not with the way admin at pee-spider always sought to get rid of me and just keep my files and my work. As described above, my posts and my links would get removed, and nobody would even know it's my work, and my contribution. And I could list many many more examples like this.




He sends invoice to renew my signature ad.


I decided not to renew and removed my signature ad and it disappeared entirely from all posts I'd ever made.

Still had nothing to do with my username, avatar, or profile link.

I wanted to cancel my "signature ad", he did not want me to.

2-6-14 1.jpg

In this message, now (he says) it involves my avatar.

2-6-14 2.jpg

But, the way he phrased it, I didn't really notice or equate that as some new policy that my avatar had anything to do with my "signature ad".

It simply was not an effective "advertisement" mechanism. And there were other reasons but I try to keep things as simple as possible with him.


There was some back and forth discussion(s).

One major reason I did not want to renew is because I got much conflict and negative publicity on pee-spider. But, I didn't go into any of that with him at that time.

The pee-spider advertising metrics were terrible. blew pee-spider out of the water and that was free and I didn't have to contribute. And a lot of the traffic from pee-spider was links to files that I converted to free to resolve copyright conflicts. I was going above and beyond to keep things running smoothly and he thinks it would help to pay him.

My site was older and very well indexed in the search engines and our audience overlapped. I did not need to advertise on pee-spider.

Out of 66 hits, 28 bounced, because file sharing and sales don't mix 100%. cnczone was not big on file sharing so there were fewer goons and freeloaders, and far more professional people, from all cnc genres, not just plasma cutting.


2-10-14 1.jpg

At some point it became clear that he meant that he also would want me to remove my avatar.

2-10-14 3.jpg

There still was no mention of changing my username.

He says ok, I'd already removed my sig and avatar, I did not restore them, and he didn't say anything about removing anything else or changing my username.

He even says I can keep my sig and avatar!!!

2-10-14 2.jpg

This is what my posts looked like at that point. No signature or avatar.


There still was no mention of changing my username.
Nothing else changed, I kept right on contributing normally, a lot, daily, and here is a typical link I posted in the course of contributing.

Someone asked about a retail file and I turned it into a free sample for everyone, which was something I did frequently, often to solve a copyright conflict when someone shared one of my files.


admin at pee-spider said:
After years of bullying and intimidation attempts he has reached the end of the road with me.

What is he talking about? For four years straight I was bending over backwards to avoid conflict.

People frequently asked me for tutorials because I frequently made tutorials.

I posted my tutorials on because that's what was designed for, it had superior graphical capabilities to post videos and tutorials. pee-spider was just an out of the box discussion forum.

I always went the extra mile to help people on pee-spider and the discussions always continued on pee-spider.

Admin at pee-spider is the only person I know of who didn't know I posted tutorials on for years.

3-5-14 1.jpg

3-5-14 2.jpg

Within 4 hours, I created another video tutorial to support an ongoing discussion on pee-spider.

admin at pee-spider said:
After years of bullying and intimidation attempts he has reached the end of the road with me.

What is he talking about? For four years straight I was going the extra mile to contribute and help people at pee-spider.

At my own expense, hosting HD videos, independent of YouTube, because there were ads and issues with watching HD on YouTube at the time, and it was somewhat expensive.

pee-spider just installed basic forum software and stayed busy manipulating my reputation. I custom developed an advanced CNC Art web site for CNC Art collaboration, because I am a CNC artist and developer. pee-spider thinks it would help to pay him.
Not having a signature or avatar didn't bother me. I continued interacting, contributing, and posting a lot, like I always did, I did not behave any differently.

Here is when he discovered

He tells me to stop posting links to, I did not post any more links to or

Mind you, I wasn't "advertising", I wasn't displaying my signature ad or avatar, like I was asked to do. The screenshots show that.


Oh, so now he "allowed" me to keep my username. Which had not been mentioned or discussed previously. Remember I got that when I conceded and "allowed" him to get his paypal and google services back, 5 weeks before I started paying for a "signature ad" subscription. And contributing is not soliciting business per se.

SignTorch paid a small annual fee to freely post his logo and solicit business on the site

He says I "paid a fee" to "freely" post my logo, and that's bs because I paid a fee for a "signature ad" (see above) and that disappeared completely when I stopped paying for it. My avatar and username was set 5 weeks before I started paying for a "signature ad" subscription. Sharing links to other web sites was not against any rules. Its only a problem if I link to




He thinks I just recently started, and recently started nefariously "drawing visitors" away from pee-spider.

Newsflash: I started 3/2/2009, pee-spider started 7/2/2008, pee-spider invited me to join 4/7/2009.



here is a link to in 2010 that someone (not me) posted


reminder this is what he said in his response

admin at pee-spider said:
A new year has come and times have changed. Signtorch has his own file sharing forum set up this year and has now refused to pay his advertising bill. It was a very small amount, he does help our members almost daily, it certainly wasn't worth fighting over so I let it go.

Not long after that he stopped posting links to the Signtorch website in favor of directing traffic to his new forum based website. I contacted him through our private message system and asked him to refrain from posting links to the competing forum and continue to direct traffic to Signtorch which is what the advertising was for in the first place.

I did not refuse to pay any bill. I cancelled my "signature ad". I was doing no extracurricular "advertising", I did not owe him anything, but that's how he thinks, I have to report to him and or handle infringements on my own or get banned, and pay him over a dollar every time I do anything on his stupid web site for years.

Here is a file I had posted that day Another free file exclusively for pee-spider members.

3-12-14 1.jpg

I had been posting video tutorials on for a long time, and people would ask me to make more.

Here is a post that started the day before which I had made a typical video tutorial about

3-12-14 2.jpg

I went back and drew it a second time to make a tutorial, because I was asked to, and by the time I'm done, I'm not allowed to link to it.

Here is another one, at the same time, and at the same time admin at pee-spider wants to shut all this down because he didn't get his stupid "signature ad" subscription money.


and there is another one shown above from one week before.

admin at pee-spider said:
SignTorch paid a small annual fee to freely post his logo and solicit business on the site and for the most part things were good with only a few little issues I could ignore in order to keep the peace.

A new year has come and times have changed. Signtorch has his own file sharing forum set up this year and has now refused to pay his advertising bill. It was a very small amount, he does help our members almost daily, it certainly wasn't worth fighting over so I let it go.

So why does he blow a fuse 6 days later and tell me its the end of the road? Its obvious in the screenshots that I was not even posting my logo (avatar) at that time because he made me remove it a month earlier. And he says I "paid a fee" to "freely" post it.

What a selfish moron.

People always asked me for tutorials - and I always posted them on - and continued the discussion on pee-spider.

Here is one from 2011 asking me to make a tutorial on my web site. Always to go with a discussion on pee-spider.


And people always posted external links on pee-spider - now its only a crime if I do it.


And this is a microscopic sample of what all I did on pee-spider, for pee-spider, for years, and he says

admin at pee-spider said:
After years of bullying and intimidation attempts he has reached the end of the road with me

What is he talking about? He didn't get his "signature ad" subscription money for a whole month by that time. That was eating him alive.

A week later, without any interaction, he has a meltdown. wtf


admin at pee-spider said:
This is when I sent my second message to him indicating that he was no longer welcome to advertise for free and he would have to remove his company avatar, signature, web link, and profile name. This is the only information he shared with anyone which is convenient in terms of supporting his claim.

I'd already removed my signature and avatar, I could not change or "remove" my profile name, and it wasn't clear what "web link" even meant.

He has a history of sending messages that do not require a reply and having a meltdown when I don't reply


00 3-20-14 cease comm.jpg

00 3-1-10 no contact.jpg

admin at pee-spider said:
After years of bullying and intimidation attempts he has reached the end of the road with me.

wtf - he made it a point to say he sent me a message, but he didn't mention that he said I could consider it the end of the road and he gave me 24 hours to change my username, and that was impossible because users can't change their username on pee-spider


he's always projecting: trying to say that I'm the one been doing things like what he's actually doing.
Last edited:

There's more to this story but I don't recall explicitly what happened next.

On 2/10/2014 he had said everything was ok. I knew he was pissed off as of 3/12/14.

I think I called him that morning, because I could not change my username, and that's when I determined that he was going to ban me. I remember he gave me two hours to remove all of my "advertising".

Something triggered me to start deleting the files I had shared in the afternoon that day 3/19/14.

If I had taken it upon myself to delete the files I shared in response to his message it would have been done in short order and I could have accomplished it completely without talking to him, but I wasn't expecting to get banned.

I had no reason to delete files until I thought he was going to ban me.

You can easily search my posts to this day and see that a lot of my posts were edited 1 time between 1 and 3 pm. And I did not get them all.

I remember that I was still deleting files when he called me.

There's at least 31 pages that I didn't get to. So, he hijacked that content when he banned me. That's probably one reason why he didn't delete my account, so he can just keep those and keep right on distributing the files (he thinks).


He wasn't expecting me to be deleting files, he wanted me to be removing my "advertising". It was as if I was expected to undo everything I had been doing for 4 years, every link, every tutorial, everything by and about me, but leave my files, so he can keep that going, after he bans me, like always, he thinks he has a God given right to monetize sharing my files, and I must pay him or be banned.

I remember that he called me a freeloader, and he said I was sucking traffic away from him, and he said I was playing dumb by saying I could not change my username, and he then had agreed to change my username to freeloader. His web site does not allow people to change their username, and he is not playing dumb, he is so dumb, he thought I could change my username. It says so in his message above.

Then I remember he said I was taking food out of his kid's mouth, and that's when I said something like "fuck you bitch" and hung up

If that's how he characterizes my contribution to plasmaspider then fuck him he ain't nothing but a whiny little bitch.

Then he banned me, because he was steaming mad about, and he was the one having a meltdown.

Then I sent him an email at 8:08 pm

SignTorch said:
I can’t seem to login

I assumed my username was to be changed to FreeLoader as agreed

I’ve offered to pay standard membership fee to access the file sharing section, so by all means send me a bill

Because, as you know, your web site has a history of infringement and deliberate efforts to prevent me from gaining access to avoid discovery and notification of infringing activity which is known and expected to occur on your web site.

So, please do not deny me access, in order not to make things any worse than they already are, which will be taken as a (repeated) deliberate, hostile, unfair, commercial effort to harm me by, and gain from, hiding copyright infringing activity.

Since you demanded I not post links to readytocut, I have not posted any links to readytocut

The last thing I was going to do is remove the link in my profile as per your request today, but now I can’t login.

I complied with your requests and demands and to my knowledge I no longer “advertised” on your site after my former ad account expired, if I did it was minor and definitely not after being told not to.

I apologize for being so angry, but you are condescending, and acting like I advertise more now than when I was paying you and that is just totally absurd…

The next day he replies 8:05 am

admin at pee-spider said:
You are not deserving of a response as you do not reply to my messages however I will clarify a couple things prior to ceasing communication with you.

After screaming profanities at me, calling me a bitch, and hanging up on me I will not provide you with the courtesy of changing your username. You have been banned and your account will remain unchanged and you will no longer have access to it.

You did not comply to my requests yesterday, you were logged on for hours and I did not see one change made to your profile. No response, no web url removal, no username change, nothing.

In the past some of your vector art has been posted by members. For this reason I have instructed my moderators to add a preview image for every dxf file that is uploaded and these images will be visible to any visitor on You will have no problem accessing these images regardless of whether you are a member or not. Feel free to forward any problems you see with our sites content to myself or a moderator and we will review the content and take appropriate actions to remove it if need be.

In the past you have taken it upon yourself to attempt to shut down and the vital services the site relies on. Any future attempt to do so will result in a public notification of your actions and intent. I no longer wish to have ties with someone as unprofessional, hostile, and vindictive as yourself and I will make your actions available for all to see. This goes for your actions, words, and attempts to sabotage any of my websites or website standings which a topic currently under investigation.

Please contact me in the future with any infringing activity you see and we will remove the material immediately.

Justin Heslinga

actually, he was the one kind of screaming when he said I was taking food out of his kid's mouth, which makes sense, its hard to imagine anyone saying that in a civil tone of voice.

Since that's how he characterizes my contribution(s) to pee-spider, then yes I said "fuck you bitch" and hung up. I probably raised my voice but I don't "scream" at people like he was doing. Seemed like an amicable way to end the conversation to me.

Apparently being on pee spider means there's no free speech, yet another unwritten rule, essentially he would ban me any time he wanted for any reason he could come up with.

He says removing my avatar and changing my username was some sort of courtesy.

He says he will make my actions available for all to see. He never keeps our professional relationship private like he insinuates in his convoluted response. We had no professional relationship. I avoided talking to him as much as possible.

He says I sabotaged his web site and I'm under investigation. Removing my own files is not sabotage.

He always says he's cutting off communication. Then he says contact him with any infringing activity.

Does anyone not understand that I have been through nothing but bs with this moron since I joined pee-spider?

I replied 1:08 pm

SignTorch said:
I cancelled and removed my sig ad and avatar

On Feb 10 you said “Your all set up with your requested membership. Retain your signature, avatar if you wish to and have a great afternoon. “

I stopped posting links to when you said to on Mar 12

By complying, I responded to your message, otherwise it was hostile, off-base and insulting so I did not reply directly

The profile link is obscure, it is not designated as an advertising element, I forgot about that, all you had to do is say so, other than that what “one” change was I supposed to make, you keep saying I didn’t do something, yet you never make it clear what you expect me to do, as I said it appeared to be impossible to change my username, to which you implied that I was dishonest, saying “oh please” and such, and I asked you to show me where to do that, and you said you would do it, and you did not

Otherwise all you did on the phone is basically call me a liar, freeloader, and insinuated that I am “laid back” just “sucking traffic away from you” and so forth, and “taking food out of your kid’s mouth”

Where you come up with all this is beyond me, all you do is complain and argue and throw insults.

As for your paragraph 4, thank you, but you cannot cut off communication and then tell me to feel free to contact you, you know where that will lead

As for your paragraph 5, I refute all allegations and suggest you’re full of crap

As for the ending sentence of your paragraph 4, you will be notified, but see paragraph 8 above,

As for your paragraph 6, see paragraph 8 above

All you had to do is make your expectations clear and do what you said you would, rather than constantly, endlessly insulting me, making up stuff, and fabricating charges against me. You said you’d change my username and give me 2 more hours to finish removing stuff, and then you’d remove anything else you didn’t like. Did you do that? No. Does me cursing you change anything? No. Does your banning me change anything? Yes. Is it wrong for me to respond as prescribed by law when your site engages in copyright infringing activity that exploits and harms my business? No. Do you bitch when anyone else links to any other site like No. Is banning me an appropriate response or does it solve anything? No.

Learning from past experience and being prepared to respond when you go crazy is hardly sabotage. It’s your site, I have no control, to characterize my actions as an act of sabotage that is being investigated is laughable.

As long as your paragraph 1 stands, there’s nothing else to say.

Just make sure you do not repost a single file or image of mine that I removed, that will be seen as de facto intentional copyright infringement on your part.

Gary DeWitt
Addendum 1

In 2016 I got knocked out of action and didn't get to finish this. This thread was never published.

I'm picking up where I left off.

This time there won't be any concession(s).

This time I will not allow pee-spider to control the narrative with his bs announcements.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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