Ready To Cut CNC Art

Vulcan software w/Lockformer Table


Hello Guys,

My setup is as follows:
Lockformer table
Vulcan software 2014.2.1.22

I'm having some trouble loading dxf files for cut. Especially artwork.
I'm working on getting my skills up to par, but for now I'm using art from this site among others.

Is there anything that can be done. Other file format maybe.

Exact problem, after loading the print, I usually process the work and then print label. Its not processing the Job and not giving me the option to print.

Any recommendations.
AFIK all vulcan users have some trouble with some DXF files

I'm having some trouble loading dxf files for cut. Especially artwork.

Is there anything that can be done. Other file format maybe.

Exact problem, after loading the print, I usually process the work and then print label. Its not processing the Job and not giving me the option to print.

Any recommendations.

the only thing clear is that you are having trouble - "loading the print" , "processing the work" and "printing the label" is not standard vernacular in this context with any specific or definitive meaning in any context - you could say print the load, work the process and label the print, and it would be no more or less ambiguous

you have to describe exatly what steps you take, exactly what file you are working with, exactly what happens, any relevant errors or messages (exactly), and exactly what the problem is - and/or upload your affected DXF and/or gcode files for inspection

I get lots of obscure questions/complaints concerning vulcan systems - most seem to apply to some files not all - many concern strange fatal errors during cutting - in some cases vulcan tech support claims it is a bad file - I hear the terms "gaps" and "bad segments" and "won't nest" constantly - I usually don't hear back after trying my best to sort it out -

it seems to be marketed as an HVAC system - that's about all I know about it - there's not much information to go on

I'll help if I can - - -
I will try and get a complete list of the issue I am having and try to be clear as I can, Th machine is mainly used in HVAC fabrication, but we sometimes do decorative work.
Thank you for your assistance. I will try doing so later today when the shop calms down.
Hello again,

Its not giving an error message i could copy, I know when I input a piece to print, I normally click process, and then print the label. The artwork is loaded, once it ask for cut path, I click auto select.

I will try a different process, and keep you updated, thank you.
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