Shape with Text Combinations

Shape with Text Combinations

What program are you using to make these changes, I only have corel 6 student version, and torchmate cad and I don't seem to have the sensitivity on my mouse to do
such things

thanks bill in red deer
Hi Bill, it's all done in corel draw x6 with a mouse, I'm not sure what you mean by sensitivity, you have to zoom in to see the nodes that clearly, is that what you mean?
I will try that zooming in, thanks, now the only problem is importing dxf's keeps telling me its not a recognized file

thanks bill In red deer
if you click on my username under my avatar, then click Start-A-Conversation, you can attach the file there in a private message to me and I can take a look, I don't think I've seen that error very often, I've seen a few blank files
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