The wire harness connector we need is a Molex Mini Fit Jr. 5566 Series 20 Pin Male Shrouded Rectangular Connector
You can get a male to female adapter and just use the male end.

And I found some really small compact butt connectors at Radio Shack that work great for 16 awg and smaller wire.

and you can also get the connector on ebay
I used a through-hole pcb mount type - 0039281203 Molex Inc | WM3809-ND | DigiKey, but it's cumbersome to solder that many wires to that little plug.

Two cables branch out from the connector, one to the gantry and one to the carriage.
All the grounds and shields are ganged together at the plug, so that is our main central ground point, and all our grounds and shields on the control side should branch out from there.

Every cable that comes through there should have the shield grounded to that ground lug. The BOB is to be grounded to that lug. Earth ground ties in there. And no ground circuit should ever loop back to there, or be grounded there and somewhere else. That's the ground and we must try to ground everything there. So as to not create ground loops.
You could cut the plug off and wire direct - or use multiple smaller plugs - having plugs is convenient to be able to disconnect the gantry from the electronics to move it or to work on the electronics, etc...
You can get a male to female adapter and just use the male end.

And I found some really small compact butt connectors at Radio Shack that work great for 16 awg and smaller wire.

and you can also get the connector on ebay
I used a through-hole pcb mount type - 0039281203 Molex Inc | WM3809-ND | DigiKey, but it's cumbersome to solder that many wires to that little plug.

Two cables branch out from the connector, one to the gantry and one to the carriage.
All the grounds and shields are ganged together at the plug, so that is our main central ground point, and all our grounds and shields on the control side should branch out from there.

Every cable that comes through there should have the shield grounded to that ground lug. The BOB is to be grounded to that lug. Earth ground ties in there. And no ground circuit should ever loop back to there, or be grounded there and somewhere else. That's the ground and we must try to ground everything there. So as to not create ground loops.
You could cut the plug off and wire direct - or use multiple smaller plugs - having plugs is convenient to be able to disconnect the gantry from the electronics to move it or to work on the electronics, etc...