Now we define the X/Y coordinate system relative to the home limits.
In this case, home limits are at far left, and we want the machine origin to be near left.
In this example the nominal machine size is 24" square, centered within maximum travel distance of 24.5" square.
With machine origin at near left corner of max material area (white).
We have 1/4" margin around the material which is the safe zone (pink and yellow).
And we can have a 1/8" slow zone (yellow).

In config, under motor-home/soft-limits, we set that up like this

Now we can issue G28 (or click go home button), and the tool will move up to far left out of the way.
In Mach3, when SOFT LIMITS are ON, Mach3 will not run the tool beyond the safe zone.
Without soft limits, errant gcode can send the tool past max travel, and we don't have limit switches on positive X or negative Y to safely stop the machine at max travel in those directions.

In this case, home limits are at far left, and we want the machine origin to be near left.
In this example the nominal machine size is 24" square, centered within maximum travel distance of 24.5" square.
With machine origin at near left corner of max material area (white).
We have 1/4" margin around the material which is the safe zone (pink and yellow).
And we can have a 1/8" slow zone (yellow).

In config, under motor-home/soft-limits, we set that up like this

Now we can issue G28 (or click go home button), and the tool will move up to far left out of the way.
In Mach3, when SOFT LIMITS are ON, Mach3 will not run the tool beyond the safe zone.
Without soft limits, errant gcode can send the tool past max travel, and we don't have limit switches on positive X or negative Y to safely stop the machine at max travel in those directions.