Ready To Cut CNC Art

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I'm new here and need help with an image. For some reason every picture image I find online the Torchmate cad does not draw it correct. The image is very rough. I have to spend a long time adjusting the image.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

If you zoom in on the source image - you can see that the edges that you want to trace are somewhat blurry/fuzzy/speckled - I magnified a spot - at the pixel level - where the tracing software works - it is "very rough" - you probably thought it was smooth and crisp - that is the nature of human vision - to percieve an image as smooth - when the pixels (which we don't even see) are not smooth at all - so when the computer draws what's there, which we cannot see, we can say the computer is incorrect, but is it? - is the source image correct?

all you can do is refine the source image as much as possible to make it as ideal for tracing as possible - even then the result will be very imperfect - so you'll always have to refine the result as well

I'll try to get back later and explain some ways to "refine" the source image.... I'm late for dinner (and I'm the cook) so gotta go....

I noticed the pixels after I zoomed in and tried tracing the image. Which is when I figured it would take a very long time doing it this way. I'm not sure what type of file the image needs to be so it can be smoother. I'm not very good with images. Most of the things I cut are drawn on auto cad and are mechanical pieces for a specific job. This image stuff is challenging to me since I know I don't have the patience to sit and adjust every point that is off.Thanks a lot for replying.
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
This will be a good start for you. I use Corel and changed up the trace perimeters so not be so detailed. It's not cut ready. You'll have to bridge the fall outs.



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