Making Fonts Cuttable

Making Fonts Cuttable

Hi Gary, you recently put a posting on Plasmaspider of the Word "Baileys" for someone wanting some help. But I couldn't help but notice the way you showed the 2 fonts. One normal and the other with it to be cut out inside and outside. Can you let me know the secret on making that possible? I can do the solid font no problem and I have read your answer to me but I still dont understand. Is it possible to show me on any 2 letters?

Larry Cameron
New Zealand


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Bloody Brilliant Gary thank you so much. I am using Torchmate Cad so had to do things different to get the same result but still worked perfect.
Thanks so much and the Sign Torch Dogs that I bought this year was just great. Made me some money making memorials

Gary, that is a great lesson.. Have been using Corel 4X for a few yrs now and I learned an easy way to radius corners tonight!! Simple but over looked by me.. Thank you!!
Looked for the fillet command/docker but couldn't find that, can you lend some insite please? Thank you
It's in menu window / dockers / fillet
Thank you Gary!! Shows I still have much to learn, been doing some things the hard way for sure but still manage to get them done.. LOL

Like the chamfer and scallop options as well!!

Thank you again for your time : )
I have a question how do you make the outside line.

I can not find it. I use x5

Many thanks Peter


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menu Window - Dockers - Contour

the contour command is like offset in autocad

it just makes a border to the inside or outside of a closed shape, open shapes can be contoured to the outside

the contour-offset is the distance to offset, contour-steps is how many offsets to make

you can make corners pointed, rounded, or chamfered (in X6 maybe in X5)

lots of other options are mostly for display/print graphics

I think the docker looks different in X5 but similar to this

Brilliant tutorial there......many thanks

Are you using the fillet command there to apply the radius? your mouse doesn't appear to go to hit 'apply'
Thank you, I've found it.

very helpful

Regards Peter


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Brilliant tutorial there......many thanks

Are you using the fillet command there to apply the radius? your mouse doesn't appear to go to hit 'apply'

you're welcome - the apply button is off-screen - video doesn't show whole screen - my dockers are actually over on a 2nd monitor

and I usually use a gamepad to enter hotkeys and commands with my left hand without moving the mouse - I tried not to use it too much in the video but probably did - that will be explained separately - once I get 2013 series published maybe then I can make more tuts...
Can you send me the rest of the actions prior to where the video starts. Software program name / version, and font you used. Is the font something you have to download? Also all curser action prior to the video start. I am using Inkscape, can I do it there? I understand the video but not how you got there.
I use corel draw - I want to say the font is sprint - explaining lettering and fonts and typography up to the start of the lesson would be a whole different lesson - maybe some day - for now I don't have that information - I'd have to start over

all the same things can be done in inkscape - but inkscape drives me crazy - I find it much harder to use than corel - it is very particular about how you go about combining and joining shapes - short of remembering every step to take in order - I always have to experiment with inkscape as I go in order to figure out what it's doing versus what I want it to do - it's just not as easy or intuitive as corel - since I don't use it all the time I can't remember all those issues exactly or explain how to do that in inkscape off the top of my head
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