M MouldingMan registered 6/6/17 #1 I am looking for a lake scenery scene for a personal cnc project I have. I am making a welcome sign for my lake house and I was wondering if anyone on here had anything that might work for a project like this? Thanks.
I am looking for a lake scenery scene for a personal cnc project I have. I am making a welcome sign for my lake house and I was wondering if anyone on here had anything that might work for a project like this? Thanks.
roy hawkins registered 6/8/17 #2 try this Attachments You must be signed in to view attachments... Man Fishing.pcm 56.6 KB
M MouldingMan registered 6/8/17 #3 Hey thanks for the file, is there anyway you might have this as a dxf file?
roy hawkins registered 6/9/17 #4 hope this helps Attachments You must be signed in to view attachments... Man Fishing.dxf 408.6 KB