Idiot Joe Jones' YouTube Video(s)

Idiot Joe Jones' YouTube Video(s)


Hyper Simp Joe Jones PlasmaCam Router Clown with 2.25 HP Router runs 35 ipm and thinks he knows what he's doing with .001" chip load cutting .0004" per HP per revolution (and less)

I found where some freak show idiot named Joe Jones made 3 youtube videos about me, after I told him to stfu
the following is a transcript where he replied to a 5 year old thread from 2015 in 2020 - I had deleted everything after his first reply because its all stupid nonsense, only to find that he went and made 3 videos about it - if he wants people to know - then people need to know

Friday, April 3, 2015
Anonymous said:
Hello, I have a Plasmacam DHC that has a bad controller. I can replace the controller for $498 plus shipping. I use only a router on it cutting wood. I watched your video on changing the machine to run on Mach 3. I would like to add a Z-axis to control the height better than the Plasmacam software that I am using. The cost of upgrading with Plasmacam is too expensive for me,I as I am retired now. I am just seeking some alternatives . I know the PlasmaCam was designed to be a metal cutting machine, but with the new DesignEdge and the mods for 3D cutting available, it does offer a solution. It is just more than I want to spend right now. Maybe better off just replacing the controller and continue using it with limitations. Any input or suggestions would be appreciated.
SignTorch said:
That's a good question. For me, it all hinges on the fact that the plasmacam gantry will only support a wrinky dink router and z-axis, and adding weight on the Z axis only increases instability while reducing usable speed and acceleration, so I'd recommend repairing/upgrading only for plasma cutting purposes. Or if you can't handle your own electronics and software implimentation, then retrofitting is not a turn key solution.

and I linked to a video that shows my Z axis pressing down and the gantry lifting up

Saturday, April 18, 2020
A Guy In Town (Joe Jones) said:
Hi, I am curious about this comment. I run a Bosch 2.25HP router on my Samson 510 table (PlasmaCam's 'Big Brother') with no difficulties. I also run the DeWalt 611 router and get amazing results.

PlasmaCam chose the DeWalt 660 trim router for their setup, and yes, it is probably in the "rinky dink" category, but the PlasmaCam table CAN run full size routers.

SignTorch said:
My lawn mower can "run" a router but that doesn't mean its good for routing.
A Guy In Town (Joe Jones) said:
The PlasmaCam uses powerful motors that can EASILY handle a router. I have been running my routers on the table for years, without any indication of a problem. The Bosch 2,25 HP router can handle anything I throw at it, and the PlasmaCam table performs like a champ. Don't knock it, until you have tried it!
A Guy In Town (Joe Jones) said:
That video is just laughable. That is not a PlasmaCa carriage. It is some homemade Frankenstein creation with a stepper motor that is larger and more powerful than the motor used by PlasmaCam. The PlasmCam Z motor is lying on the table next to that rediculous dial indicator test! Why don't you just put a hydraulic cylinder in place of the Z motor to show how the gantry will bow under 2,500 lb. of force! The gantry of the device looks like something made at a boy scout camp.

Add to this, the fact that a router bit is not a punch. If the bit were spinning and cutting, it would penetrate the material AS IT SHOULD, and cut AS IT SHOULD. The Z on the PlasmaCam table does not have a limit switch, which is WHY the motor is made to "skip" when the Z reaches something like what this video presents. The software detects the interference and stops. You have not build ANY interference detection into your thing. This video only shows that the person who made that backing plate / router mount doesn't know what he is doing..

The potential movement of the carriage is a non-issue, when the table is used by someone who knows what he or she is doing. That is an embarrassing video of some serious redneck engineering.
SignTorch said:
You are a retarded dumb ass - there ain't no stepper motor - the servo on the Z is smaller than the OEM stepper motor - I've built interference detection if you knew what you were talking about (but of course no one uses interference detection on a router mr. know it all)

stfu go troll somewhere else
A Guy In Town (Joe Jones) said:
The PlasmaCam uses TWO servo motors equipped with encoders, one for the carriage and one for the gantry. The Z motor on a PlasmaCam is a stepper motor.
A Guy In Town (Joe Jones) said:
And yet, your demonstration only proves your red apparatus does not work. You cannot create some bastardized carriage for the plasmacam table, then try to drive a static router bit through a piece of aluminum, and honestly present that as evidence of a fault in plasmacam's design

first you have to know about the control system on a pee-cam (as was sold to me)

The only z axis control you have is an up down button.

You don't have a Z height readout.

You don't have Z height CNC motion control.

The Z height runs at one static height.

You can't even load g-code with Z coordinates because it will ignore them.

All you can do is press up and down buttons and hit start.

It does the X Y motion, turning the torch off and on between cuts, and that's it.

The Z height does not change.

You cannot route a damn thing worth routing like that.

Genius Joe Jones says I should ask him what I'm doing wrong so I can get good results like him.

What I did wrong is I bought a pee-cam.
this is about the first video I found, turns out there were 2 more, what kind of whacko makes 3 derogatory nonsense videos about one thing

this video has more direct responses to each of his "theories", my final video at start of this thread shows that the guy really doesn't know what he's talking about

Dear Joe Jones - I would never need, want, or ask for your help, nor will I ever "be nice" in response to your condescending know-it-all bs

you said its not a pee-cam gantry and that it doesn't work - like I said - stfu - this is before I greatly improved the z-axis

note the auto height sensing - precision collet - quick tool change - and way better router than yours

note in the other video I had been routing and plasma cutting on the same table at the same time

you should keep your mouth shut instead of talking shit about me

this is my video with Z axis pressing down and gantry lifting up - he thinks I'm trying to drive the bit through the metal

video description on youtube: this shows a small router mounted very close to the gantry - a larger router further from the gantry is even worse - all riding on 1/2" cam rollers on powder coated thin wall square steel tube - paint flaking rust pitting spring loaded roller guide rails are not ideal for routing even on an amateur level

A Turd Takes Aim at a Fan - How the fight got started...
joe jones said:
the original plasmacam goes down and touches the aluminum, senses that it cannot travel any further, and it stops, so I don't know what is way better about that silly thing you built

my pee-cam had NO CNC Z AXIS CONTROL. Do you not understand the point of the video?

I designed and built an amazing height sensor that is actually way better than any force sensing system.

I don't know why you don't know what is way better about it.

joe jones said:
well aren't you the great and powerful wizard of oz of the signtorch ready to cut forum

and you called me a jerk - pffft... - no one needs you to tell them that if the bit is turning then it will penetrate the material - you treat people like they are stupider than you because you think you're smarter or else you wouldn't feel the need to explain things like that

behold the rapid plunge speed

joe jones said:
well no it doesn't because when you're running a router you can't use speed and acceleration... you can only move as fast through the material as the router bit will move... and the speed and acceleration has nothing to do with it

speed and acceleration has everything to do with cnc routing and it affects how much the pee-cam gantry flexes and runs out and cuts crooked

even a small router bit will "move" way faster than a plasmacam can hold it in position accurately

there is no comparison between my z-axis and a plasmacam 3 wire stepper motor v-roller z-axis

mine can't miss steps and it doesn't have runout like a plasmacam z-axis

and your videos show you running a 1/8" bit at 16,000 RPM and 35 ipm - which is a .001" chip load - which means you cut .0004" per HP per revolution with your 2.25 HP router that you mention 500,000 times

again, I don't think you fully comprehend what you're talking about and you don't really make any sense

our x and y axis is the same, my z-axis has more power and less runout than yours, and I use correct feeds and speeds, so I can cut way better than you can

joe jones said:
why don't you be polite, signtorch admin of uh this forum and ask me what the hell you're doing wrong that you can't get the kind of results I get, because I get fantastic results. as a matter of fact just for your information signtorch artist.... blah blah blah -

joe jones said:
the fact of the matter is I do know what the hell I'm doing with a router, you don't know what you're talking about, i don't care about your attitude, ... I don't care if you're the great and powerful wizard of the signtorch forum or whatever, you're being a complete jerk

joe jones said:
if you want to learn how to properly route with a plasmacam and get good results maybe try being nice to me and I'll help you, but when you come back in here and tell me that that piece of crap frankenstein thing that you welded together with your grandmother's bedframe is better than what plasmacam designed I have to laugh at you

joe jones said:
because you tried to take router with a bit and push it through a piece of aluminum with no sensing, no controls whatsoever, ...

joe jones said:
I know what I'm talking about - I did not try to push a static bit through a piece of aluminum - Joe Jones is a spectacularly idiotic liar
joe jones said:
The problem is, he had a clash with PlasmaCam some time ago, and he is FUMING over it. He is SEETHING with spite and hatred for "anything PlasmaCam," and it shows in his attacks on anyone who even mentions the PlasmaCam company, machines, or software in his presence. He should not be running a business, if he believes that anyone who purchases a PlasmaCam table in a pursuit to "Make Money In Metal Art!" is automatically an asshole.

in 2013 I was mad because plasmacam ripped me off.

in 2020, when Joe trolled my website and made his ignorant videos, I was not fuming, or seething, and I couldn't care less.

I never implied that anyone who purchases a plasmacam is "automatically an asshole". Joe Jones makes stuff up to create a false narrative.

Joe, the whole problem is you just run your mouth and make stuff up because you don't know what you're talking about.
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