Ready To Cut CNC Art

Great work

Just found your site and I love it. Thanks for sharing knowledge, drawings and helping the moral support levels.

I currently am racking my brain to find the best value method to achieve torch height control (THC) on a LinuxCNC setup. Currently running a 8'x4' wood router cnc setup cutting out boat parts but I can see a smaller additional table for plasma cutting could be a major advantage. I had it working over a year ago with no THC and cut up to 6mm steel plate but the thinner stuff warping and twisting all over the show soon put the plasma side of things on hold.

Would sure be interested to hear what other folk use.
Thanks again. BTW Plymouth England here where the pilgrim fathers set off from....
welcome, I don't have a thc yet, so not sure, but it seems there are not many choices if you can't read Chinese, and for Linux I assume you'd need a basic stand-alone unit, like proma or thc-300, which never seems clear to me whether they work or not, much less how to configure them, from what I gather, those stand-alones are ok (once you get it working), but it's not easy to dial in, and less so on different materials, and thin materials, but they can be better than nothing (if you can get it to work at all) for cutting one certain material all the time, and I think the biggest challenge with any thc is cornering control, they all work great on longer, straighter cuts, but tuning/configuring for small holes and tight details in various materials on different machines is another story... it's like uncharted territory, a real pilgrimage so to speak....

I'll be surprised if there's a Linux/thc guru on here, or if there is such a thing, if not, or a Linux oriented forum might have more possible answers....
I agree with SoundCNC, this is a great site! We have a SignTorch package and love it...

On the subject of the Proma Compact THC 150 & SD Torch Height Controls. They are very simple to configure.
  • Cut a 2inch circle without THC on and watch the voltage readout on the face.
  • Use the arrow keys to set the average voltage.
If you change the feed rate, cut height, or amperage on the cutter, you will have to get a new average voltage and set the THC accordingly.

Our CNC systems all come with Proma THC 150. I haven't experienced any issues with corners or intricate patterns.

For explanation of sub-menus and fine tuning of the Proma's, see page 11 of the attachment.
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