Ready To Cut CNC Art

Files are Read-Only or won't Open


The file comes up in cad as read only

Opening a file from on the CD or from inside the downloadable zip file is read-only because you cannot write back to a CD or zip file

you should be able to hit file/save-as to save it to a writable location

normally, you would first copy the CD, or unzip the zip file, to somewhere on your hard drive...

but, you should (usually) never open and/or save-over your stock clipart like that

you should always treat stock clip art as read-only, i.e. don't change it, and store it somewhere safe and separate from your work files and projects

you (usually) should start a new project in your vector design software

then you can IMPORT one or more stock clip art designs, or copy-and-paste or click-and-drag

and then save the project in whatever format the design software uses

without ever mixing with or over-writing your stock clip art

SAVE all your work and projects in one folder tree,

and STORE all your stock clip art and downloads in another folder tree

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