Ready To Cut CNC Art

Welcome Hummingbird Sample - Incomplete Cut

Have a question about the humming bird welcome sign. In the cnc art file sharing section in signs.
It appears to not finish the run of cuts.
When I create a job and run it it stops short of finishing but completes 58 cuts but seems to need more cuts to finish.
Is this something that can be fixed?
Thanks for any guidance in advance.
Sorry not familiar with locating that.
Just an opreator found this file and wanted to cut it. If you can be more specific about the g code I might can look.
for reference, here is a link to the hummingbird welcome sign

let's back up a little, no need to go into gcode specifics at this point

Here's what I know, specifically,

The DXF opens in autocad with no errors or warnings, so we know it is a good DXF file.

It has exactly 58 continuous closed polyline paths with arcs (not splines).

We can visually count the 58 closed paths, and we can use software to confirm that the file has exactly 58 entities total, so we can conclude that those 58 paths are
continuous unbroken and not fragmented in any way.

Due to the way closed polylines are defined, the start point is the end point, so we know there can't be any gaps.

By using the autocad pedit command (or by filling the paths in corel draw), we can see that none of the paths overlap themselves so there are no duplicate path segments.

Finally, we can look closely, or we can offset the paths to the inside and to the outside and note that both offsets produce exactly 58 paths, to verify that there are no intersections.

And my DXF export software detects overlaps, should any get by me.

Therefore, I cautiously don't think there's anything wrong with the file.

Now you'll have to be more specific to narrow it down, I guess you are plasma cutting, I can't guess what brand and software it is, or what the size and material is, or your procedures

But I am sure it should complete in exactly 58 cuts, any more or less means that the cuts do not match the drawing, and that is the problem, and that is not right

I'll help all I can, I don't like problems, and I really don't like not knowing the cause and solution
Thanks for the detailed explanation.
I am actually using a trumph 1030 tru laser.This all quiet new to me. I saw this program and thought I'd give it a try.
But for some reason it stops periodic and I have to do a re entry to continue but at the end of 58 cut paths it stops but isn't finished. Seems like there should be a few more cuts to complete. I set up the run to be 18 ga material with the size of 20in by 20 in. I'll try it again to see if it was just a fluke. Maybe upload the semi finished run if that helps. Other than that.
I dont know what else it could be.
I have run into this issue before with other dfx files to not have a definitive reason as to why it won't run.
my guess is your software is breaking the paths, perhaps to insert a lead-in, or perhaps it chooses an arbitrary start point somewhere in the middle of the path

and then it must be dropping the beginning or end of the path beyond the inserted point

which is a wild guess, but could be,

any sort of cut-file or picture is helpful to see where the cuts start and stop compared to where the path start point is in the drawing

typically, cutting software ought to have features to show where cuts start and stop, before cutting, and incomplete cuts would be obvious on screen, it sounds like you are having to make the cut just to see if it works, and that would be a shame if your software doesn't have features to inspect the cut path and compare it to the original before cutting

I don't know if your software adds lead-ins or not, or if it uses the same start point as the drawing, or if it has settings to control any of that, or any settings that could be adjusted to not break the path, or if it has automatic or mandatory features to optimize the path that causes the problem

if it does break the path in the middle and does not join the two ends back together right, and especially if it totally discards part of the path, then it must not handle closed polyline paths correctly and if necessary we can try some different dxf variations
That sounds good I'll try both new attached files. You never know. I could do a video od the run and see if you can see good enough of the run to see when it stops. Until then all I have is a pic of the un finished run.
that laser cuts good....

I doubt a video will reveal anything, except clarify that the machine is not cutting those sections, shouldn't be all that necessary if it's too much trouble, but who doesn't want to see a video of a laser cutting....

I don't see how that's 58 cuts, since there should be 58 total and you're missing some other cuts in the rose

can you zoom in on that spot in your software and see if the path is broken there, or anything unusual

if that's the 58th cut, it must've made more than one cut on some paths

I'm interested in whether the other formats work or make any difference
Plans to run it Tuesday. And see if it works.The missed cuts in the rose is because I kept getting control line error.
Forced me to do re entry......continues to give same error so I just skiped them and went to next cut.....Just to see if it would complete. Update to come.
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