SignTorch Artist 3/19/14 #1 Attachments You must be signed in to view attachments... 131 KB
S Scott Gordon registered 5/6/16 #2 What converter program should I use to convert a .zip file to .dxf file?
SignTorch Artist 5/7/16 #3 ZIP is a compression/archive format - it has several files compressed into one - you have to unzip it to extract the individual image files - basically just save it to your computer, right click on it, and hit extract-all (or similar), and follow the prompts or here's a link with more information
ZIP is a compression/archive format - it has several files compressed into one - you have to unzip it to extract the individual image files - basically just save it to your computer, right click on it, and hit extract-all (or similar), and follow the prompts or here's a link with more information