Dumbass Don Frankish took down his dumbass post, and on my youtube video he made a dumbass comment, "it is rough to look real, Not like a cartoon, anyone can do that shit."
He's saying his "rough" tracings are realistic, and my drawings look like cartoons, and "anybody" can draw like me.
So I guess he stole my drawings and intentionally messed them up to look more realistic, and anybody could have drawn it like I did, but he has a special skill to improve upon my work - I think he likes shit - he sure talks shit
But what he calls realistic, I would call that shit - like whatever that shit is on his crap
What is realistic and not plumb stupid about the trees in his heroes tracing ? - I didn't know what that was - it looks like shit - but it turns out that its (supposed to be) trees - and it does look realistic - like realistic shit
and he thinks this tracing below "worked well" ! - for what ? - toilet paper?