Ready To Cut CNC Art

Deer Help


I traced this will x5. Cleaned it up except for the outside cut. There is something wrong that I can not find.
I did a quick trace and most of the time I get double lines. Any idea what I may be doing wrong?
Your help is appreciated.



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  • deer gate 3.dxf
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that looks nice

it's hard to work with lots of disconnected segments like that

I tried join-nodes tool, and could see there were too many nodes inside the red shape (1st image)

so I hit undo and found some duplicate overlapping lines inside the red shape, and one extraneous line where the arrow is pointing

after removing those, I used join-nodes tool, then the red and blue shapes did not fill (2nd imnage), so I selected each of those shapes with the node tool, right click, and hit close curve

then all 5 closed shapes filled correctly

as for what you did wrong, that's hard to determine, due to uncertainty over what you mean when you say "trace", and whether you did anything else like mirror the two halves, I can't guess where the duplicates came from

one thing wrong is you should not be using DXF at this stage, you should save and work with CDR or CMX format, then only export DXF for CNC when done with the design

it's composed of lots of disconnected line segments, I can't tell if that's from exporting to DXF, or if it was drawn that way, but generally it is better to create and work with smooth connected closed curves, and save as CMX or CDR, then when you export DXF for CNC, those curves form continuous polylines, which avoids having lots of disconnected line segments, which makes it harder to identify and correct any problems

that design should be just 5 closed curves, which should be easy to work with, but when it becomes 985 disconnected line segments, then it becomes very difficult to work with

when I'm drawing I always work with closed (or at least continuous) curves and never let things get broken up into shorter disconnected segments, and I always make sure all closed curves fill correctly, if not, then something's wrong, so it's largely a matter of trying to avoid problems and catching and correcting them as they occur, so that when finished there are no unexpected problems

otherwise, small problems just gets worse and harder to track down later on

the more you notice problems as they occur, the more you learn how to avoid or fix them, there is no simple explanation on what to do or not do, there is no one right way to do it, but there are a million things that can go wrong, even if you do everything right,
Thank you Gary for you help and input.

I had a jpg file. Exported to x5, selected Trace Bitmap/ Quicktrace. It seems when I do this I get duplicate lines quite often.

You can share this if you like.

Another thing if you are using the auto trace feature to trace a black and white jpeg, it will do an outline trace of the black and also an outline trace of the white, hence duplicate lines.

Prior to doing a trace make sure you have checked "delete original image"

When you have done the trace, select the trace and then use Arrange then Ungroup from the drop down (not Ungroup all), now click on the black layer and drag it to the side, drag your cursor over where the original image was which will select all of the white area and delete it. The black part of the trace will no longer have duplicate lines if you do it this way.

To show the outline only left click the blank color palate, right click the black and you have a black outline.
Gary, what would you use to trace this picture? Maybe I'm going about this all wrong. Dawg

can you upload the original picture? I'll show ya...

I looked at what murray was saying and it sure does create duplicates if you trace the background, which is controlled by the settings shown with arrows, delete-original-image gets rid of the raster image, remove-background and remove-color-from-entire-image is what determines whether it traces the background (white/blue) part.

I usually wouldn't use delete-original-image so I can compare the result with the image

ungrouping once as he explained appears to work like a charm, thanks murray,

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